AtmaGo: Saving Lives, Reducing Losses
Qualcomm® Wireless Reach™ and Atma Connect co-hosted an event in Jakarta on July 17, 2019 to launch the impact report from Center for Innovation in Policy Governance (CIPG) in Indonesia. The independent evaluation found that the use of AtmaGo can extend years of productive healthy life, reduce disability, and reduce economic losses due to disasters. At a reach of about 1M people, this translates to a savings of $106 million in avoided damages, and $4.7 million in avoided healthcare costs per year. The event brought together numerous government agencies, residents, organizations, and over 21 news organizations to recognize AtmaGo’s impact on disaster resilience in Indonesia.
Bambang Surya Putra, Director of Readiness at the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency said, “AtmaGo is such an important platform for us to share information on flooding, fires, and other disasters. It is an active local forum, and it is trusted, and helps us reach poorer neighborhoods throughout Indonesia.” Following the Launch event, Indonesia news media outlets, including the Jakarta Post, wrote articles discussing the potential benefits of mobile technology including AtmaGo. These Indonesian articles build on the great press that the impact report garnered in outlets such as Reuters, the World Economic Forum, and Forbes.